Eco Designer People Tree

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People Tree is recognised by customers and the fashion industry as a pioneer in Fair Trade and environmentally sustainable fashion. For over twenty years, People Tree has partnered with Fair Trade artisans and farmers in the developing world to produce a collection of ethical and eco fashion. Fair Trade is about creating a new way of doing business, creating access to markets and opportunities for people who live in the developing world.

When you shop with People Tree, you can trust that your goods were made ethically and sustainably.

People Tree is a different kind of fashion business. We give customers an alternative to fast fashion. The fast fashion industry is fueled by insatiable demand for cheap clothing and accessories. Fast fashion has a devastating impact, from sweatshops and child labour to pollution and global warming. Slow Fashion means standing up against exploitation, family separation, slum cities and pollution – all the things that make fast fashion so successful.

We make beautiful garments that are a living blueprint for our values: people and the planet are central to everything we do. Our garments are hand crafted in organic cotton and sustainable materials, using traditional skills that support rural communities.

In the past, ethical, Fair Trade, organic, sustainable were not words people think of as fashionable. People Tree has transformed ethical fashion into something that is desirable and glamorous. We design and produce high quality, fashionable products for women and men. We also collaborate with leading designers to produce unique collections.

We provide you with exclusive fashion while at the same time we improve the lives and environment of the artisans and farmers in developing countries. While many fashion brands talk about corporate social responsibility or ethical fashion, we go further. We follow the principles of Fair Trade in every aspect of our business. All of our products are made by artisans and producers who work to Fair Trade standards. In 2012 and 2013, People Tree has been a pilot case for certification for Fair Trade Manufacture under the World Fair Trade Organisation.

Fair Trade makes a powerful difference. People Tree is helping to alleviate poverty in the world's most marginalised communities.

People Tree developed the first integrated supply chain for organic cotton from farm to final product and we were the first organization anywhere to achieve GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) certification on a supply chain entirely in the developing world.

We also work hard to ensure that we pioneer sustainable methods of production to minimise environmental impact. Not only is most of our cotton certified organic and Fairtrade, all our clothes are dyed using safe and natural dyes. We source as many products as we can locally, choosing natural and recycled products over toxic, synthetic and non-biodegradable materials. We ship our products by sea instead of air and weave fabric by hand, reducing our impact on global warming.

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