Eco Designer JUNGLE FOLK


Our concept is all about consciousness. Conscious living and being, knowing who you are, what you do and where you want to go. Being aware of your actions and consequences is essential.

We feel that our world is guided by some very restrained, constructed values which do not last. Todays over-consumption and production are consequences of this. That's why we try to produce different products. Conscious Products.

When we say “conscious clothing” there are three ideas behind it:

First “Conscious Clothing” is about the consumer we want to be and encourage. Being aware of what we purchase, the story behind it and the impact it has on different levels makes it a more personal acquisition. We don’t want you to buy Jungle Folk just because you like the appearance but we hope that you're interested in the faces and the process which lay behind each piece. Please care about the quality of your clothes! They have the right to live long therme and should so to have a stronger wiser caracter!

Secondly “Conscious Clothing” describes the way we design. We source only organic certified materials, are constantely looking for new techniques and ideas which are in line with our value. We are inspired by the strength of nature and the world we live in. We want to dedicate our clothes to this world and to you. To create a everlasting product which will accompany you for a lot of time!

Thirdly the way we produce. We control as many of the steps of the production as we can. We know each of our sewer and artisan personally. We focus on the most creative and manually gifted people from poorer backgrounds whose living conditions we can improve by working with them. We're aware of the environmental impact of the ressources we use and try to keep it as low as possible!

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