CHRISTINA KRÄMER finished an apprenticeship as tailor and graduated as fashion designer at the university of applied sciences in Bielefeld. After working ten years for several brands as fashion designer, as well as a head of design in Germany before, she moved 2005 to Switzerland.

In 2007 she founded her own Label CHRISTINA KRÄMER collection. This exclusive high fashion collection for women and men is a symbiosis between sustainable natural luxury and the traditional handcraft which is a part of the concept, next to using only natural and organic materials.

CHRISTINA KRÄMER collection supports the charity PGH - PEOPLE FOR GLOBAL HUMANITY. pgh-charity-shirt/.

with the 100% organic silk or cotton “CHARITY – shirt”.

Through this cooperation, funds from the purchase of the shirt will benefit the children at the orphanage “SAVE THE CHILDREN CAMBODIA FOR DEVELOPMENT” in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, which provides a home, care and education for orphans, fatherless or motherless children, children whose parents have been affected by explosives (landmines) or AIDS/HIV, and children of extremely poor families.

CHRISTINA KRÄMER collection and PGH are pursuing a long-term relationship, not only in form of donations from sales of the T-shirts, but also through on-site involvements such as teaching the children sewing, knitting, and clothing design, and supporting the expansion of the handicraft training program available to them.

With your purchase of each “CHARITY -SHIRT” – you contribute directly to providing much needed help and care to 140 children in Cambodia from destitute backgrounds, and to providing them with tangible skills. Every monetary contribution is applied directly and transparently for the benefit of the children and their care takers, with the goal to self-sustainability, dignity and hope for the future.

Detailed information and point of sale will be available soon.

Please visit pgh-charity-shirt/ or for more information.

Zur Website von CHRISTINA KRÄMER »

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