Eco Designer 4 ALL HUMANITY

4all.jpg Do you know Zoe? She's one of those double-major / double-minor-type students determined to change the world. In college Zoe studied global supply, fair trade, workers' rights, and supply chains. She's the kind of person who believes that anyone can make a difference. And she hopes you do too!

Zoe is also a talented fashion designer. Before joining the fair trade movement, Zoe worked for a major fashion design company and was frequently sought after to design custom bridal gowns. It was then that she realized that her biggest impact on the world could be through her fabric and business decisions.

In 2012, Zoe and her husband, Joshua, launched a new brand, 4 All Humanity. The company combines Zoe's eye for fashion with her love for all things global. Zoe & Joshua seek out artisan communities, connect them to the global market, and provide technical assistance to help their small business grow.

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